Tuesday, February 28, 2012


We have a lot of things coming up in March that I would like you to be aware of. First of all, our lovely student teacher is taking over full time for the whole month of March and into April. She has been great to work with so far and the kids really like her.

The end of the quarter is March 9th so that is the last day for kids to work on their reading goals. Don't forget, they can take tests at home on the computer.

Parent Teacher conferences are coming up on the evenings of March 13 and March 15. I would like to start with an Open House on March 13 where the students can lead their own parent teacher conference. Miss Sciales and I will be there to help where possible. If you or I feel that we need a more in depth one on one session, you can sign up for a time on Thursday the 15th. I would think that most parents stay pretty well informed if they are checking reading goals on Renaissance Place, checking grades in Skyward Parent Access, and calling or e-mailing as questions arise. Those parents will probably be comfortable with the more relaxed Open House type Parent Teacher conference. The parents who have concerns about retention, or special education, or what they can do over the summer might appreciate a more formal setting. It is really up to the parent. I will send a letter home soon to make appointments.

Boise Art Museum will be visiting on March 14th. They do an amazing program at schools where they can bring the art world to life in the classroom for kids who don't get to go all the way to Boise to visit the museum. We will be doing a fun project that connects to Idaho History. I can't wait to see what these kids are able to create!

Spring Break is coming up starting March 23rd. I hope you all have fun plans for adventures during this time. I'm sure I'll come up with something wonderful!

I think that's it for now, have a great day!

Miss Larsen

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