Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spelling Changes

On Monday, I will give a pre-test of the 2nd grade words (not including the vocabulary words from the story). If they miss 2 words or less, I will move them to a different “just right” list based on the data I’ve collected in the classroom, (if you are curious stop on by and I’ll show you the theory behind it). The first 10 words are based on the rule, the rest are vocabulary words from the story. Students should know their words and what each word means. If a student misses more than 2 words, they will stay on the grade level list (list #1).

If a student loses a list or forgets what list they are on, you can go to and print off a new list. Lists are now number (1, 2, or 3) for easy identification on spelling city. I will also send home a paper copy on Mondays. Please feel free to call or e-mail any concerns.

Here's the link to spelling city:

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