Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break Challenge!

How far did you go during your Spring Break?

*You must COMMENT via this blog (thus figure out how to comment if you've never been able to) with your answer to this question. From those who comment, I will have prizes for you and a special prize for my furthest location!

Deadline to Comment: March 28th!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spelling week 24, test on March 17th!

Rule: The long e sound in initial or medial position of a one-syllable base word =
ee (feet). The sound in the medial position of a last syllable in a multisyllabic word = e-consonant-e(athlete). The long e sound at the end of a syllable in a base word with two or more syllables = e (even).

Third grade words: speed, greet, green, screen, bleed, compete, athlete, event, deliver, remember

ISAT Words (everybody): compute, addend, difference, product, quotient

Challenge words: spleen, greed, interfere, cashmere, gangrene, intervene, defendant, delivery, behavior, secretive

I won't be sending a spelling list home over spring break!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Making a Thermometer

Throughout the past few weeks, we have been observing and studying the properties of water. This week we looked at the differences between hot and cold water. An easy and fun connection that you and your child can do at home is to make a thermometer.
A thermometer is an instrument that measures the temperature. Temperature is measured in a scale called Fahrenheit (by most people in the United States) and in Celsius or Centigrade (used by scientists and by people in many other countries). The point where water freezes is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (F for short) and 0 degrees Celsius (C). The point where water boils is 212 degrees F and 100 degrees C.

Thermometers help us know what the weather will be like. If it will be 90°F outside, we're not going to put on a winter coat. Or if it's below zero, we won't be wearing shorts. Here's a way to show how a simple thermometer works.

1. Pour tap water into the bottle, filling about 1/8 to a 1/4 of the bottle and add
a couple of drops of food coloring.
2. Put the straw in the bottle, but don't let the straw touch the bottom (DO NOT
3. Use the modeling clay to seal the neck of the bottle, so the straw stays in place.
4. Now hold your hands on the bottle and watch what happens to the mixture in the
bottle. Try putting the bottle into a bowl of really hot water or ice water.
5. Take a picture of you and your thermometer to bring into class! (Or email it to

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Leprechaun Traps-Due March 15

Be the first kid on your block to catch a real live leprechaun!
Make a Leprechaun Trap!

1. Gather together all kinds of scrap material to make the perfect trap. Use glue, string, small boxes, wood, decorations, anything to make your trap. For safety sake ask an adult for help, and be sure not to use anything that would hurt our leprechaun.

2. The smaller the trap the better. Remember your catching a Leprechaun, not a giant!

3. Be ready to explain how your trap works.

4. Bring your trap to school on March 15th so we have 2 days to share our traps with the rest of the class. We will set our traps on Tuesday afternoon, and hope to catch a leprechaun. We will also put them on display during parent teacher conferences.

HINT: Leprechauns are tricky fellows. They like shiny things, things that glitter, and gold coins. They are also naughty and often disobey signs. They often hide their gold in a pot at the end of the rainbow and their favorite color is green. You have to think like a leprechaun to catch one!


Parent Teacher Conference Forms

Parent Teacher conference forms went out on Wednesday, March 3rd. Please send back the bottom half signed. If you are unavailable to come during the listed time-please feel free to call so we can reschedule. Mrs. Wallace in the office has a copy of my schedule so you can talk to her or talk to me! My goal is to get 100% conferences this quarter!


Boise Art Museum came out today and did a community based art project with the kids. They also gave out free tickets for the families! It is good for the student with 2 free guests. What a great opportunity to see more of what our community has to offer. The tickets are good through June.

Week 23 Spelling Lists March 3-10

Rule: u_e

3rd grade list: cube, tube, brute, flute, prune, tune, refuse, latitude, confuse, amuse

Challenge: consume, absolute, costume, institute, pollute, compute, dilute, excuse, magnitude, fortitude

High Frequency Words: answer, heard, herd, next, page

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 22 Spelling

Rule: o_e

third grade words:

explode, monotone, dispose, suppose, remote, quote, those, slope, broke, drove

challenge list:

explore, limestone, console, trombone, postpone, promote, propose, demote, condone, indispose

high frequency words:

hear, here, example, several, change